Against the backdrop of a meteor-shower, the Right Honorable Member of Parliament wishes one and all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Fortunately, I was not driving when I saw the banner; the reflection from his shiny forehead (superimposed) would have caused me to lose control of the car.
What were they thinking when they bought their Photoshop project to the printer?
Someone was being very creative.
In retrospect, 2006 had been a good year. At the beginning of 2005, with more than a year to go in the army, my only hope for the year ahead was that it will pass quickly. But 2006 had been different. I felt fairly certain at the start that the year can only be better than the one that just passed. It was a year of clear beginnings and definite endings. As 2006 progressed, the countdown to my ORD dwindled to two digits and then came to an end. Ops Bassinet, cleared my leave and then the pink I/C. Another countdown had been going on; but it was only when I had about a month left in Singapore that I realized the countdown was coming to an end. Met old friends and looked at familiar places with a dateline in mind; I did not start packing until the very last week. Beyond that college beckons.
Countdowns are meant to usher in new beginnings.
Here are my resolutions:
1. Make better decisions faster. Plan objectively.
2. Not to swear unnecessarily.
3. Swim, jog or go to the gym. Exercise more.
4. Pray more often.
5. Do something crazy. Something to the effect of running a marathon, swimming across the English Channel or taking part in Beauty and the Geek.
6. Listen more, and ask more questions.
Here’s wishing one and all a blessed and prosperous 2007.